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Smart field, farm, meadow and poultry farm

Additional information Smart field, farm, meadow and poultry farm photo

We admit, at first glance, the headline can look a bit crazy. On the other hand, with a little deeper thought, few disciplines offer better use for smart technologies than traditional agriculture and the economy. The industry, which for many years has been considered virtually unchangeable, has undergone a completely revolutionary automation and modernization in recent years.

Today, smart technologies or the 'Internet of Things' are increasingly taking care of a whole new level of farming and bringing farm and farm owners a whole new way of managing resources efficiently and minimizing the most feared risk - weather fluctuations. Let's take a closer look at this issue through the lens of today's smart technologies.

Every good farmer, whether we mean a farmer, breeder, winemaker, beekeeper or forester, puts a lot of time, energy and resources into the management of their production areas, but circumstances put them in the way of a variety of obstacles. Even today we do not fully recommend wind and rain, but we can monitor and evaluate them very well.

One response to the dynamically developing world of IoT in agriculture is iNELS Air . This technology is designed to provide full-area outdoor coverage by using sensors to communicate on Sigfox, Lora or NB-IOT protocols. These are specially designed networks for the transmission of small data volumes with low power consumption over long distances.

What does this mean in practice?

On farms, smart technologies can monitor safety with motion sensors and a CCTV system, as well as greatly help with energy savings through lighting control. In the field, sensors and weather stations can monitor the condition of production areas. They provide information on temperature, air and soil humidity, precipitation, and strength and wind direction. All information can be displayed in clear applications on a computer or smartphone. In addition, if the critical values are exceeded or fallen below, the system can send information directly to a mobile phone.

In greenhouses, technology can take care of maintaining optimal conditions for growth - that is, the right temperature, humidity, intensity and length of lighting, or providing ventilation. Smart technologies can completely autonomously control the entire operation of greenhouses. Moisture sensors trigger irrigation only when the soil is drier than it should be. In the absence of sunlight, the illumination switches on with the pre-set colour spectrum. If it starts raining, the windows will close, and they will open again after the rain ceases.

In forests, meadows and pastures, we can use iNELS Air detectors to control the movement of people or animals, air quality, detect fires early, or monitor important sites before hijacking, logs or equipment. In poultry farms for change maintain a stable temperature, which is necessary for proper hatching. As well as being able to monitor the state of substances in the air so that they do not endanger the health of hatching chickens.

In the apiary you will use a weather station, silos to change the state of carbon dioxide or many other useful indicators. Unforeseeable situations in the near future will still be part of the life of a farmer or a farmer, but they can increasingly be foreseen or regulated. The result can be not only higher profits for the farm owner himself, but also significantly better and safer food quality for the end user.

In any case, even the most traditional field of human activity can be full of data today.



Date of publication: 29. 01. 2020


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