The Window/Door detector is used to detect openings where activation occurs when the magnet and the sensor become separated.
- in combination with the switching unit for automatic light control (cellar, garage, etc.).
- by means of the Smart RF gate, detection can be displayed on your smartphone in the form of a notification; alarms are stored in the history, which is visualized in the iNELS application.
Anti-tamper function: an alarm is triggered if there is an unauthorized interference to the detector.
Power supply: 1x 3 V CR 2032 battery, the battery life is around 1 year, thanks to the ability to turn off the LED indicator it is possible to extend up to 3 years.
“Low Battery” Alerts on Your iNELS App.
The detectors are compatible with switching components marked with the RFIO2 communication protocol and the eLAN-RF system components.